I think everyone has seen the pictures of the two chairs i finished on the weekend. Well today they were delivered to there new home. I recieved an email before they were even finished from the Whimsical Cake Studio saying she loved them and would like to purchase them. I actually was hoping they wouldnt sell right away because i really loved them but i figured its not going to be much of a business if i keep everything for myself so off they go.
Ok so since i delivered them to the cake studio i HAD to buy some cupcakes but typical for me i couldnt just buy one or two or even 7, i had to buy a dozen! She said i could freeze them so i was like hell ya gimmy 12! I am sharing them with Kevin and his girls ... honest! I have had two today and i am so full there is no way i can eat them all myself... for real!!! Take a look at a couple of them on this awesome plate i found at a thrift store last week.
The husband and wife duo of Whimsical Cake Studio even teach classes - its like Cake Boss!! You have to check out all the cakes they have made.
Today i also wanted to say a huge thank you to Li from Creamy White for introducing me to the neighbourhood - she makes the cutest ruffle pillows and shower curtains and many other gorgeous things, so you should pop in for a visit. I heard from several new bloggers, which brings me to my second thank you - thank you new followers for all the kind words you wrote on my blog, i appreciate each and every one of them - blogging has been such a positive experience for me and i hope that i don't ever stop being excited of having new followers - i'm at 20 now by the way woohoo :) lol
I have one more item to tell you guys about ... today after i said good-bye to my chairs i said hello to a new item that ummm followed me home. I popped into one of my favorite goodwills this afternoon and found an antique end table. I was trying to decide, should i buy it or should i say no because of the scary site of my shop area (see my last post) so of coarse i did what anyone of us would have done, i put it over my shoulder and walked proudly to the till. Oh i forgot to say that when i was trying to make a decision this guy came up to me and was like "you really need to watch out because most of those are replicas" and he flipped it over and was like "yup you have to be careful for the fake partical board tables" and then he walked away a couple of steps. Ok so the table was so not a fake and it was so obvious that it was REAL wood ... nice try buddy, how stupid do i look (maybe don't answer that lol).
At the till i was waiting behind this lovely lady and we started talking and i told her my story, about my chairs i just sold and she thought it was fantastik that i was doing this - i of coarse gave her my blog address so i'm hoping Goodwill lady comes for a visit - anyway, she told the cashier that she knew me and asked if i could use her seniors discount and the cashier said yes so i got the table for even less. Isn't that awesome? Goodwill lady if you are reading this post i wanted to say thank you again for your kindness, i really appreciate it. So here is the super cute table that followed me home today and jumping into the spotlight is one of my cats Paytah who was very curious.
Ok so this is a bit of a story. I own my own home and so does my boyfriend - i moved into his place and pretty much have all my nice stuff here in boxes because the entire house is in desperate need of a makeover and a very large drop off to goodwill ... bigtime! Ok try not to gasp in shock but the walls in the living room are a dark Ikea blue aaannnndd he thought bright red curtains would complete the look in the room. At about 3am one night the red curtains disapeared and oops how did they get in that goodwill bag? All i have to say right now is that i wish i was color blind. To make this worse, he is a total perfectionist so any reno takes FOREVER and he doesnt want me to do it - i mean ya i usually paint up the ceiling when i'm painting the walls but isnt that better than Ikea blue? Luckily i paint furniture much better than i paint walls lol.
So over at my house.... my living room and dining room are being used as my shop right now until we can get a new garage built at home. Its kinda a pain because i have to keep driving back and forth but you do what you have to right? So i thought i would share some pictures of my future projects piled high in my living room - its pretty scary so use caution when looking at the pictures below.
and this doesnt include a full dining room suite which is behind me in this picture and in the foyer i have a buffet, half of a hutch, and a headboard. Also behind me is my spraying area (dining room) - i spray my primer, paint and verathane using a high velocity paint sprayer that my boyfriend bought me from princess auto along with my air compresser. I have plastic floor to ceiling stapled to the walls and cardboard on the floor to protect my hardwood. It's an ok set up for now but i'm still looking forward to my future shop in our dream garage, and not at all looking forward to cleaning this dusty mess up.
I think i am going to be busy for a long long time. I have to stop looking on kijiji - i just can't pass up a good deal - which is how the above picture happened in the first place.
Its pretty funny because if you would have told me in September 2009 that i would be wishing for a dream garage i would have said you were nuts! But when i lost both of my jobs in October i really wanted to do something different and i honestly believe that if i would have found a job right away i never would have even tried this. I know now that doing something creative is a must in order for me to be happy!! So, even though i was really upset about my job losses, it really was a blessing in disguise!
Well tonight i put 2 coats of verathane on my 2 lovely chairs, changed the fabric on the cusions and wa - la!!! They are done. I am really happy how they turned out. They would look really nice as his and hers in the master bedroom don't you think? So i decided that i really enjoy working on chairs so hopefully i will find some new ones in need of a makeover. Here are some "after" pictures. They will be added to my "shop @ painted whyte" soon.
I just wanted to quickly say how happy i am that i have 10 followers! Double digits! Is it silly to be so happy about this? Does anyone else feel this way? Or am i a weirdo - well maybe a little. Just imagine how excited i would be if i hit 100! Crazy, i can't even imagine.
Ok so i am almost finished with my chairs. I have really enjoyed working on these guys. Last friday i spent hours at the fabric store and came out with two different colors of chanille dsmask. I am very excited to show you my "after" pictures. I like them so much i almost wanted to keep them for myself. I should have some pictures posted tomorrow evening.
I wanted to show you what my next project is going to be. I bought this about 2 months ago but havent gotten to it yet - you can tell by all the layers of dust :) I think it has alot of shabby chic potential - what do you think? Oh and the cool thing about this piece is its a FILING CABINET!!!
Yesterday i started working on my chairs. I cleaned them, sanded them and primed with Kiltz2 which is a waterbased primer that i like to use (way less smelly and makes the gun easy to clean afterwards) and guess what kept popping through? Yup those nasty bleeding stains, how fun is that ... NOT! I primed both of them anyway just so i could see where the stains were. I went straight to Home Depot and left with a spray can of Kiltz original which is an oil based primer and works the best out of all of them (just very smelly and i then don't use my paint sprayer).
Today i went back to the chairs and sprayed the new primer and it worked - no bleeding this time - woo hoo!! So now i am ready for the paint. If anyone knows a way to be able to use the water based primer and have the stain blocker actually work, please let me know. I have read on google some people suggest cleaning everything with TSP before priming but i'm wondering if there is anything less harsh that can be used. This has only happened to me twice but i would rather not have to prime twice if i dont have to.
Comments, suggestions or your own experiences are very welcome!
I just wanted to add a quick post today - i have been out of commision all day today do to a migraine and am just now feeling better but i got a package in the mail today that made me happy. We got it through Etsy. I've attached a couple of pictures so you could see for yourself how cute it is. Check out her Etsy site lunetmuse.etsy.com. Sorry for the dark pictures - i need a new camera or a new photographer lol. In the next couple of days i should have the after pictures of those awesome chairs i found!
I hope everyone had a really good weekend. I spent at least an hour in fabricland yesterday trying to decide on a fabric to recover the chair cusions with. If the store wasnt closing at that moment i probably would still be there. I ended up leaving with 2 - both in a Chanille Dsmask - one in white and one in a pretty ice blue. And the exciting part is one of them was in the clearance section for only $8/meter woohoo. When i brought it home i realized they match the wallpaper in my built ins perfectly. So until they find a new home they will fit nicely inside the house. Tomorrow i will start the painting process!! I always find it so exciting to start something new and then again when i am finally finished. If any of you didnt see the before shots of the two chairs i found at Goodwill here they are for you to see again. I should have some after pictures towards the end of the week.
I put the hardware back on the desk - i ended up using the hardware that it came with and i spray painted them black. I am so happy it is done - let me know what you think about this technique - it originally happened by accident lol - its hard to tell by the pictures but when you look up close in person you can really see what i've done. If anyone is interested i have a dresser that matches this desk (not transformed yet) and i can match the color. I love the character on this one with the queen anne style legs and the wavy trim. Its perfect for any little boy or girls room. You can see that when i distressed it i let some of the old blue show through. I thought it gave it some added character. If anyone is interested it is going into Painted Whyte's Store.
Yesterday i spent about 5 hours working on that desk i mentioned in my last post and it is now ready for the clear coat - i was trying a new technique that ended up being ALOT more work and spent hours sanding it by hand - i wish i knew of a different way to get the same look. I don't think my arm has ever been so tired lol If it looks good it will be all worth it but i needed to take a day off today, well my arm needed the day off actually. I will be back at it tomorrow. I thought i would post a couple of pictures of the built ins i bought recently. I totally love them and they have so much character!
Everyone that knows me knows that i am NOT a morning person but this morning i was out of the house by 8:15am because i went to support a good friend of mine that i've known since high school in court today - it was very stressful but things went ok so that was really good.
After coart I drove out to Stony Plain to check out my new favorite antique store and on the way home the goodwill - i found two awesome antique chairs (pictured below) that i cant wait to work on and my brain is thinking of ideas contstantly on what fabric to use for the cushions (any suggestions - they will be painted white i'm sure and distressed so i'm thinking maybe fancy lacey white material but not sure) - the funny part was driving home with the two chairs AND a dresser in my RAV4 along with all my many scrapbooking tool boxes - i had to get a little creative. And when i got home a package had arrived for me woohoo - i love packages lol I bought 3 blue antique books from Etsy for the built ins i bought (Yes Melanie i know they arent built ins anymore but i still like to call them that - they came out of a house that was built in 1910 ). I will try to post some pictures of them tomorrow.
The funny thing is that i did all that and was home before i normally even wake up AND i didnt die from it. I might have to do that again sometime... hmmm maybe not for a little while. Obviously i havent been blessed with children yet or have a job right now,which is why i have the freedom to do this. I know this will end eventually so i am going to enjoy it while i can!!!
OMG i almost forgot to mention that we also picked up a captains bed tonight that i found on Kijiji - just wait till you see how much i have to sand and paint - its going to be a big project - but we needed lots of storage and this one definetly has it - take a look at the pictures (the beds in pieces but it has 6 drawers on EACH side- isnt that crazy!) For some reason i keep finding things that are painted a really horrible blue - not the nice blue thats popular right now thats forsure. I am almost finished a desk that i am working on - it also was painted that ugly blue - see picture below. I will post after pictures of the desk when it is done, this one has taken me a bit longer because i decided to try a new technique on it and i am really loving it so far.
Your not going to believe what i saw at the Antique Mall today - it was the baby of the headboard i missed out on the other day - it was the twin size exact replica!!! At first i didnt see how small it was and started to get all excited but ... it was a twin :( and for almost the same price as that queen was. I'm hoping this means that others are floating around Edmonton and it will just be a matter of time before another queen turns up but anyone who knows me knows that i wasnt blessed with alot of patience.
While treasure hunting i did find a gorgeous mirror that i have to have. (My boyfriend says i have to have everything ... "well ya...what's your point" i say). I guess i didnt learn my lesson because i left without it but i did get a cute pillow which fit in my unemployed budget ($10 vs $150 for the mirror).
I am so sad. On Wednesday i drove out to Stony Plain to go to an antique store and found this awesome headboard and footboard for only $149 - i loved it but i was trying to convince my boyfriend that he likes it too lol - he finally agreed and was even going to pay half and i called the store and i guess someone put it on hold and was in the store the exact moment i called - she was trying to decide if it was going to work for her - the store just called me back and said that she was buying it. I am so sad. I had a feeling i should have made a decision sooner... a lesson learned... will not do that again when i find something i love. Take a look at the pictures.